This is Forge, our interface framework and pattern library. It defines a set of base styles and common patterns shared throughout our website. It's a strong foundation for building beautiful interfaces.

Forge was built for our internal needs at, but it could also work for your organization. Feel free to fork our GitHub repository and use it as a starting point for your own pattern library, or read more about why we open-source our code.

Base Styles

Content is the basis for our design, so we need a strong typographic foundation. We define base HTML classes with comfortable font-size and spacing for readability, and a clear information hierarchy between elements.

Inline Elements #

Tags for inline text elements are given default styles. Adjacent paragraphs are given top margin spacing, and headings following paragraph text have increased spacing. makes the world suck less. One of the largest orgs for young people and social change, our members tackle campaigns that impact every cause, from poverty to violence to the environment to literally everything else.1 Any cause, anytime, anywhere. *mic drop*

This is a link, and a secondary link.

  <p> <strong>makes the world suck less</strong>. One of the <mark>largest orgs
  for young people and social change</mark>, our members tackle campaigns that impact every cause,
  from poverty to violence to the environment to <em>literally</em> everything else.<sup>1</sup>
  Any cause, anytime, anywhere. *mic drop*</p>
  <p>This is a <a href="#">link</a>, and a <a href="#" class="secondary">secondary link</a>.</p>

Fonts & Colors

We use Source Sans Pro for all headings and body copy.

We use Covered By Your Grace as the "voice" of

Any cause, anytime, anywhere. ($font-handwritten, $weight-normal)

We have three primary brand colors.

For consistency, we try to use these four grayscale values throughout our interfaces.

They're not part of our brand, but we use these guys in special cases.

Tip: Double-click on a swatch to switch between color formats.

Grid System

visualization of grid on homepage

We use Susy 2 to build our interface on a fluid grid. This promotes consistency and provides rules for layouts to comfortably expand and contract in a multi-device world. Our grid is split up into sixteen columns, with a 24 pixel static gutter between columns.

See the Susy documentation for implementation details.


We use animation to add a sense of playfulness and delight to our interface. Animations also hint at functionality and inform the user's mental model of how an interface functions.

Fade In #

Element fades in.

Fade In & Up #

Element fades in and up.

Fade Out #

Element fades out.

Fade Out & Down #

Element fades out and down.

Wiggle #

"Wiggle" animation used to pull the user's attention to an element.

Wobble #

Kind of like a "womp womp".

Shake #

Shake animation (similar to OS X convention for form errors).


We don't want to re-invent the wheel. Re-usable interface patterns are catalogued within Forge to promote consistency throughout our interfaces and minimize code bloat. We start by defining atomic components. These are the smallest building blocks of our interfaces.

Avatar #

Rounded image. Used to show a user profile image.

   <div class="avatar">
     <img src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />

Chat Bubble #

Used for longer conversational messaging, such as a note from a campaign lead.

1 items collected! That’s amazing - thanks to everyone for rocking Hunt Day 2: Trash Scavenger Hunt. Let’s keep it up! Add your contribution in the Prove It section below.
  <div class="chat-bubble">
    1 items collected! That’s amazing - thanks to everyone for rocking Hunt
    Day 2: Trash Scavenger Hunt. Let’s keep it up! Add your contribution in
    the Prove It section below.

Forms - Button #

Buttons are generally used for interface actions. Suitable for all-purpose use. Defaults to primary call-to-action appearance.

:hover Suble hover state (will not be displayed on touch interfaces)
Example Button
:focus Focus state for users navigating the page using tab keys.
Example Button
:active "Pushed" button state
Example Button
.is-disabled Disabled (non-interactive) button state. Consider removing button from interface if not necessary to avoid confusion.
Example Button
.is-loading AJAX loading animation. Used when loading results inline.
Example Button
.-secondary Should be used if not the main call-to-action on a page.
Example Button
.-tertiary Used to de-emphasize button (for example, a "cancel" option), but still show inline with other fields.
Example Button
  <a class="button {{modifier_class}}">Example Button</a>

Forms - Form Item #

A label and a form element.

.-padded Adds extra padding above and below field group.
.-inline Form elements appear side-by-side.
  <div class="form-item {{modifier_class}}">
    <label class="field-label">Field Label</label>
    <input type="text" class="text-field">

Forms - Form Actions #

Container for form actions, such as submit buttons.

.-padded Adds top and bottom padding, for use independent of form items.
  <div class="form-actions {{modifier_class}}">
    <input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit">
  <ul class="form-actions {{modifier_class}}">
    <li><a href="#">Forgot your password?</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Create an account</a></li>

Forms - Inline Form Actions #

Container for form actions, with all items shown in a row.

.-padded Adds top and bottom padding, for use independent of form items.
  <ul class="form-actions -inline {{modifier_class}}">
    <li><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit"></li>
    <li><input type="submit" class="button -tertiary" value="Skip"></li>

Forms - Field Label #

Labels for form elements. Optional validation styles triggered by client-side validation.

.has-success Successful form validation
.has-error Something's wrong!
  <!-- validation classes and markup generated dynamically -->
  <label class="field-label">
    <span class="validation">
      <div class="validation__message {{modifier_class}}">Field Label</div>
  <input class="text-field {{modifier_class}}" type="text">

Forms - Option Field #

Checkboxes and radio boxes. Progressively enhanced to look beautiful on modern browsers. Older browsers (such as Internet Explorer 8) will see platform-native controls.

  <label class="field-label">Some checkboxes</label>
  <div class="form-item">
    <label class="option -checkbox">
      <input checked type="checkbox" id="option1">
      <span class="option__indicator"></span>
      <span>Choose this option.</span>
    <label class="option -checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" id="option2">
      <span class="option__indicator"></span>
      <span>Choose that option.</span>
    <label class="option -checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" id="option3">
      <span class="option__indicator"></span>
      <span>Choose this unreasonably long-winded and ultimately pointless option.</span>
  <label class="field-label">Some radio buttons</label>
  <div class="form-item">
    <label class="option -radio">
      <input checked type="radio" name="choice" id="choice1">
      <span class="option__indicator"></span>
      <span>Choose one option.</span>
    <label class="option -radio">
      <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice2">
      <span class="option__indicator"></span>
      <span>Choose the other option.</span>

Forms - Media Option Field #

Custom single or multi-select option styles to mimic behavior of radio buttons and checkboxes. Progressively enhanced to look beautiful on modern browsers.

  <div class="form-item">
    <label class="media-option -radio">
      <input type="radio" value="value1" name="item" id="option1" checked="checked">
      <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder-small.jpg">
    <label class="media-option -radio">
      <input type="radio" value="value2" name="item" id="option2">
      <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder-small.jpg">

Forms - Select Box #

Select boxes present a list of options on a form.

.has-error Error state
  <div class="select {{modifier_class}}">
      <option>Awesome Things</option>
      <option>Popular Things</option>
      <option>Random Things</option>

Forms - Text Field #

Single-line text input fields.

:focus Field is selected for text input.
:disabled Field is disabled, and it's value can't be interacted with.
.is-loading Loading indicator, for example while fetching an AJAX response.
.has-error Error state, used for validation issues.
  <input type="text" class="text-field {{modifier_class}}" placeholder="Type something...">

Footnote #

The fine print. Use for legal text, disclaimers, references, or help text. Use .js-footnote-toggle and .js-footnote-hidden to create toggleable content. See footnote.js for implementation.

Legal text example:

By clicking submit, you agree to sell your soul to the lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Source footnote example:


  • 1 Clark, Barry. "A Treatise on The Motherland", British Royal Archives, 2009.
  • 2 Lorch, Julie. "Coffee Sure Is Great", Royal Academy of Coffee, 2010.
  <h4>Legal text example:</h4>
  <p class="footnote">By clicking submit, you agree to <a href="#">sell your soul</a> to the lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
  <h4>Source footnote example:</h4>
  <div class="footnote">
    <h4 class="js-footnote-toggle">Sources</h4>
    <ul class="js-footnote-hidden">
      <li><sup>1</sup> Clark, Barry. "A Treatise on The Motherland", British Royal Archives, 2009.</li>
      <li><sup>2</sup> Lorch, Julie. "Coffee Sure Is Great", Royal Academy of Coffee, 2010.</li>

Heading #

Various heading weights and styles.


.-hero Hero heading


.-alpha Alpha heading, default appearance for h1 tags


.-beta Beta heading, default appearance for h2 tags


.-gamma Gamma heading, default appearance for h3 tags


.-delta Delta heading, default appearance for h4, h5, and h6 tags


.-banner Stylized header banner with included gutter. (Deprecated. Use .-emphasized instead, using Container pattern for appropriate margins.)


.-emphasized Stylized heading with a heavy yellow underline.


.-emphasized.-inverse Stylized heading with a heavy white underline (for use on yellow backgrounds).


<h2 class="heading {{modifier_class}}"><span>Heading</span></h2>

List #

List of items. You can use the .with-lists class to apply list styles to all ol and ul within a container, for example when styling Markdown content.

An unordered list:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.
  • Curabitur sed odio aliquet, efficitur diam vel, laoreet ipsum. Curabitur faucibus tincidunt augue.
  • In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.

And an ordered list:

  1. Know it.
  2. Plan it.
  3. ???
  4. Profit.
.-compacted Closely spaced list elements.

An unordered list:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.
  • Curabitur sed odio aliquet, efficitur diam vel, laoreet ipsum. Curabitur faucibus tincidunt augue.
  • In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.

And an ordered list:

  1. Know it.
  2. Plan it.
  3. ???
  4. Profit.
  <p>An unordered list:</p>
  <ul class="list {{modifier_class}}">
    <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.</li>
    <li>Curabitur sed odio aliquet, efficitur diam vel, laoreet ipsum. Curabitur faucibus tincidunt augue.</li>
    <li>In non pretium risus. Sed ultrices dolor magna, in ultricies sapien ornare ac.</li>
  <p>And an ordered list:</p>
  <ol class="list {{modifier_class}}">
    <li>Know it.</li>
    <li>Plan it.</li>

Media Video #

Make embedded videos scale responsively.

  <div class="media-video">
  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//;showinfo=0"
    frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Message Callout #

Handwritten text callout with arrow pointing to other content.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-below Callout is positioned below an element.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-above Callout is positioned above element it's pointing to.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-right Callout is positioned to the right of element it's pointing to.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-dynamic-right Callout that starts below or above an item on mobile, but then switches to positon to the right of item.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-above-horizontal Callout is positioned horizontally above the element that it is pointing to without rotation.

This is something. Mic drop!

.-white White text and arrow (for use on dark backgrounds).

This is something. Mic drop!

.-blue Blue text and arrow.

This is something. Mic drop!

  <div class="message-callout {{modifier_class}}">
    <div class="message-callout__copy">
      <p>This is something. Mic drop!</p>

Messages #

Status message styles. These should be used to provide feedback to the user for events that occur outside the normal application flow (such as application errors). Close button is added using JavaScript. See system-messages.js.

There's something I need to tell you.
.-error Used to display errors. Be careful not to blame the user for a mistake.
There's something I need to tell you.
  <div class="messages {{modifier_class}}">
    <strong>There's something <em>I need</em></strong> to tell you.

Social icons are used to link to social networks, or to link sharing actions. #

.-facebook Facebook icon
.-instagram Instagram icon
.-linkedin LinkedIn icon
.-snapchat Snapchat icon
.-tumblr Tumblr icon
.-twitter Twitter icon
.-weheartit We Heart It icon
.-youtube YouTube icon
<a class="social-icon {{modifier_class}}"><span>Text Fallback</span></a>

Spinner #

A spinner is used to indicate loading content. Uses an animated SVG on modern browsers, with fallback to an animated GIF based on feature detection.

<div class="spinner"></div>

Waypoints #

Used to navigate between sections/panels/pages within an interface. Apply .is-active class to list element for "active" state.

.-vertical Vertical tab layout (for use in a sidebar).
.-primary Emphasized tabs
  <ul class="waypoints {{modifier_class}}">
    <li class="is-active"><a href="#">Section One</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Section Two</a></li>
    <li><a class="waypoints__primary-link" href="#">Section Three</a></li>


Modules are groups of components, and generally work as a standalone part of an interface. They may even contain other modules (for example, the gallery module contains multiple tile modules).

Did we kill it on something? This is the perfect component for showcasing a large photo with a bit of text attached. This could be a great media snapshot, celebrity endorsment or even a member callout.

  <article class="figure -left -center">
    <div class="figure__media">
      <img alt="winning cat" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
    <div class="figure__body">
      <h2 class="heading -emphasized">Grand Prize</h2>
      <p><strong>Look at this cat.</strong> How'd she get so god-damned cute?
      What gives her the right? Who does she think she is?</p>

Call To Action #

The Call To Action module is used to show show a short "call to action" message with an accompanying button or set of actions. CTAs typically span the full width of the page.

Miscreant! You should pay homage to our future kitten overlords:

Rejoice, and share the good news of our benevolent feline rulers:

  <div class="cta">
    <div class="cta__block">
      <p class="cta__message">Miscreant! You should pay homage to our future kitten overlords:</p>
    <div class="cta__block">
      <a href="#" class="button">Support Our Kittens</a>
  <div class="cta">
    <div class="cta__block">
      <p class="cta__message">Rejoice, and share the good news of our benevolent feline rulers:</p>
    <ul class="cta__actions">
      <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -facebook"><span>Facebook</span></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -twitter"><span>Twitter</span></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -tumblr"><span>Tumblr</span></a></li>

Figure #

A figure block usually contains an image with a title and a description.

kitten overlords
Teen Vogue featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways fashion brands like H&M are taking eco-chic to the next level.
.-left Show figure's media to the left of the description.
kitten overlords
Teen Vogue featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways fashion brands like H&M are taking eco-chic to the next level.
.-left.-center Show a figure's media to the left of the description, with the text vertically centered.
kitten overlords
Teen Vogue featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways fashion brands like H&M are taking eco-chic to the next level.
.-right Show figure's media to the right of the description.
kitten overlords
Teen Vogue featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways fashion brands like H&M are taking eco-chic to the next level.
.-medium Set figure's media to a fixed "medium" size.
kitten overlords
Teen Vogue featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways fashion brands like H&M are taking eco-chic to the next level.
  <article class="figure {{modifier_class}}">
    <div class="figure__media">
      <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
    <div class="figure__body">
      <b>Teen Vogue</b> featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways
      fashion brands like H&amp;M are taking eco-chic to the next level.

Generic module class for all galleries. Galleries can contain items of any type (e.g. tile, figure, etc.) Requires an additional modifier classes to designate a specific type of gallery (see modifiers below).

A "quartet" gallery shows four items per row. Galleries can contain items of any type but work particularly well with Figures and Tiles. May optionally include a heading within .gallery__heading.

  <ul class="gallery -quartet">
    <div class="gallery__heading">
      <h2>Gallery Heading</h2>
      <article class="tile">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />

A "triad" gallery shows three items per row. Galleries can contain items of any type but work particularly well with Figures and Tiles. May optionally include a heading within .gallery__heading.

  <ul class="gallery -triad {{modifier_class}}">
    <div class="gallery__heading">
      <h2>Gallery Heading</h2>
      <div class="figure">
        <div class="figure__media">
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
        <div class="figure__body">
          <b>Teen Vogue</b> featured Comeback Clothes as one of the ways
          fashion brands like H&amp;M are "taking eco-chic to the next level."
      <div class="figure">
        <div class="figure__media">
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
        <div class="figure__body">
          <b>Seventeen</b> ran an Earth Day story about recycling old fabrics
          through and H&amp;M's Comeback Clothes.
      <div class="figure">
        <div class="figure__media">
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
        <div class="figure__body">
          <b>Nylon</b> urged readers to clean out their closets and do good for
          the planet by recycling old clothes at H&amp;M.

A "duo" gallery shows two items per row. Galleries can contain items of any type but work particularly well with Figures and Tiles. May optionally include a heading within .gallery__heading.

  <ul class="gallery -duo">
    <div class="gallery__heading">
      <h2>Gallery Heading</h2>
      <article class="figure -left">
        <div class="figure__media">
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder-small.jpg" />
        <div class="figure__body">
          <h3><a href="">@HarryShumJr</a></h3>
            Do you have stained or ripped clothes you don't wear? Recycle them
            w/ <a href="">@DoSomething</a>
            <a href=""></a>
      <article class="figure -left">
        <div class="figure__media">
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder-small.jpg" />
        <div class="figure__body">
          <h3><a href="">@HarryShumJr</a></h3>
            Do you have stained or ripped clothes you don't wear? Recycle them
            w/ <a href="">@DoSomething</a>
            <a href=""></a>

Gallery style which emphasizes the first item in the gallery. Works best when paired with the gallery's -quartet and -mosaic modifier classes.

  <ul class="gallery -quartet -mosaic -featured">
      <article class="tile">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />

Removes spacing between gallery items. This is typically used with our Tile pattern.

  <ul class="gallery -quartet -mosaic">
      <article class="tile">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />
      <article class="tile tile--campaign">
        <a class="wrapper" href="#">
          <div class="tile__meta">
            <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlord</h1>
          <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" />

Info Bar #

The Info Bar contains left and right-aligned content areas, and typically lives above the footer.

.-dark Dark variation.
  <footer class="info-bar {{modifier_class}}">
    <div class="wrapper">
      Sponsored by <a href="#">Puppet Sloth</a>.
      <div class="info-bar__secondary">Questions? <a href="#">Contact Us</a></div>

Polaroid #

Module class for styling a figure with a "polaroid" effect.

another kitten
  <figure class="polaroid">
    <img src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder.jpg" alt="another kitten">

Social Menu #

A group of Social Icons, used for share actions or linking to social media accounts.

.-with-callout Add additional padding for pairing with an -above-horizontal Message Callout.
 <ul class="social-menu {{modifier_class}}">
   <li><a class="social-icon -facebook" href="#"><span>Facebook</span></a></li>
   <li><a class="social-icon -twitter" href="#"><span>Twitter</span></a></li>
   <li><a class="social-icon -tumblr" href="#"><span>Tumblr</span></a></li>

Tabs #

Tabbed container. Gracefully degrades into plain text if JavaScript is disabled. Extends the Waypoints patterns for tab navigation.

View Tips


  • Find Maxwell

    He's drinking 'fee. But he needs some more 'fee.

  • Give Him 'Fee

    Give him some 'fee. You'll get 300 points in the Intern Scavenger Hunt.

  <section class="tabs js-tabs">
    <a href="#" data-modal-href="#modal-tips-during" class="tabs__modal-toggle">View Tips</a>
    <h4 class="visually-hidden">Tips</h4>
    <div class="wrapper">
      <nav class="tabs__menu">
        <ul class="waypoints">
          <li class="is-active"><a href="#tip-1" data-tab="1">Find Maxwell</a></li>
          <li><a href="#tip-2" data-tab="2">Give Him 'Fee</a></li>
      <ul class="tabs__body">
        <li id="tip-1" class="tabs__tab">
          <h5 class="tabs__title">Find Maxwell</h5>
          <p>He's drinking 'fee. But he needs some more 'fee.</p>
        <li id="tip-2" class="tabs__tab">
          <h5 class="tabs__title">Give Him 'Fee</h5>
          <p>Give him some 'fee. You'll get 300 points in the Intern Scavenger Hunt.</p>
  <div data-modal id="modal-tips-during" class="modal--tips" role="dialog">
    <h2 class="heading -banner">Tips</h2>
    <div class="modal__block">
      <h4 class="inline--alt-color">Find Maxwell</h4>
      <p>He's drinking 'fee. But he needs some more 'fee.</p>
    <div class="modal__block">
      <h4 class="inline--alt-color">Give Him 'Fee</h4>
      <p>Give him some 'fee. You'll get 300 points in the Intern Scavenger Hunt.</p>
    <div class="modal__block form-actions">
      <a href="#" class="js-close-modal">Back to main page</a>

Tile #

A tile block contains an image with an overlaid title and tagline. Generally used for campaigns, but can be used in any context.

  <article class="tile">
    <a class="wrapper" href="#">
      <div class="tile__meta">
        <h1 class="tile__title">Kitten Overlords</h1>
        <p class="tile__tagline">According to the latest research, kittens will outlive the human species after the apocalypse.</p>
      <img alt="kitten overlords" src="/styleguide/assets/placeholder-large.jpg" />
      <!-- <video src="source.mp4" width="1080" height="1080" poster="poster.png" autoplay loop></video> -->


Regions are complete sections of an interface.

Chrome #

The entire page should be wrapped in .chrome to lock page in place while modals are open. The page content should be wrapped in a .wrapper to set max-width and apply background box shadow to the page.

Container #

Standard container for centered 12-column layouts. Collapses to full-width on mobile. Modifier classes can be applied to the required container__block to use different preset layouts. Optionally, the container__row class can be used to align into rows.

Apply .-padded modifier to add extra bottom padding to a container, or .-dark to use a dark purple background which blends seamlessly with the header.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

.-narrow Three-quarters width container.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

.-half Half-width container, can be placed side-by-side to create two-column layouts.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.

  <div class="container">
    <div class="wrapper">
      <div class="container__block {{modifier_class}}">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus
        condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.</p>
      <div class="container__block {{modifier_class}}">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus
        condimentum aliquet. Maecenas suscipit commodo dui, eu venenatis nisl volutpat.</p>

Chrome footer with social links & footer menus.

  <footer class="footer">
    <div class="footer__columns">
      <div class="footer__column -social">
          <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -facebook"><span>Facebook</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -twitter"><span>Twitter</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -tumblr"><span>Tumblr</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -instagram"><span>Instagram</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="social-icon -youtube"><span>YouTube</span></a></li>
      <div class="footer__column -links">
        <h4 class="js-toggle-collapsed">Who We Are</h4>
          <li><a href="#">What is this?</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Who are they?</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Why are we?</a></li>
      <div class="footer__column -links">
        <h4 class="js-toggle-collapsed">Our Friends</h4>
          <li><a href="#">Freshman</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">ROTC Guys</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Preps</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Varsity Jocks</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Unfriendly Black Hotties</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">The greatest people you will ever meet</a></li>
      <div class="footer__column -links">
        <h4 class="js-toggle-collapsed">Get Involved</h4>
          <li><a href="#">Do things</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Do other things</a></li>
    <div class="footer__subfooter">
        <li><a href="#">Terms of Service</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Privacy Policy</a></li>

Main page header region, including page title and an optional subtitle.

.-sponsored Makes space for sponsor module within header.
.-centered Center text in the header (generally used for non-content pages).
.-hero Hero image header banner styling.
  <header role="banner" class="header {{modifier_class}}">
    <div class="wrapper">
      <h1 class="header__title">Title</h1>
      <p class="header__subtitle">Subtitle.</p>

Show supplementary information to a user without leaving the page. Fills screen on mobile, centered with overlay on tablet/desktop. Use .modal__block element to add padding inside the modal. (This allows "full-width" modal content to work without a negative margin.)

See DoSomething/modal for configuration options.

  <a href="" data-modal-href="#example-modal" class="btn secondary">Show example modal</a>
  <div data-modal id="example-modal" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal__block">
      <h2>Example Content</h2>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem,
       officia impedit eius velit consectetur provident ullam! Incidunt, rem,
       maxime sit non natus praesentium nobis voluptas enim repudiandae. Commodi,
       eum, accusamus.</p>

Chrome navigation with logo, navigation, and search. Use .-floating modifier to float above page content (such as appearing over a Header region).

  <nav class="navigation {{modifier_class}}">
    <a class="navigation__logo" href=""><span></span></a>
    <a class="navigation__toggle js-navigation-toggle" href="#"><span>Show Menu</span></a>
    <div class="navigation__menu">
      <ul class="navigation__primary">
          <a href="#">
            <strong class="navigation__title">Explore Campaigns</strong>
            <span class="navigation__subtitle">Any cause, any time, anywhere.</span>
      <ul class="navigation__secondary">
          <form action="#" method="post">
            <input class="text-field -search" type="search">
          <a href="#">Log In</a>


Forge also includes some additional resources for use with traditional design tools.